Laniqo Logo

Connecting Languages, Transforming Education


Our mission

Laniqo aims to contribute to improving global communication and education through the power of artificial intelligence. We are on a mission to break down language barriers and improve learning experiences by developing high quality AI solutions. A bridge between languages is also a bridge between cultures.

By using our technology, we aim to support a world without borders, where language is no longer a barrier to collaboration and knowledge can be shared effortlessly. We want to enable individuals, organizations, and educational institutions to connect more easily on a global scale and learn and grow faster. Join us on this transformative journey and help us shape the future of communication and education.

The technology

Laniqo develops artificial intelligence-based technologies around language, education and communication. For example, we aim to make the teaching and learning experience smarter, more adaptable and integrable into a wide variety of environments. In doing so, we are committed to using our technology responsibly and ensuring that ethical considerations are upheld. We strongly believe that technology can greatly simplify the learning and use of language, creating significant value for users.


Collaboration with industry and academia

We believe in the power of the interplay between research and the practical application of technology, which brings enormous benefits to innovation and development activities. As a partner of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, we cooperate with both industry specialists and academic researchers to constantly develop our products to the highest level.